Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to create custom references(usedBy, ownedBy, etc) that can be used to associate artifacts in WSO2 Governance Registry 5.3.0 onward

This support was available from G-Reg 5.3.0 onward. For more information, refer [1].

1. Added a new rxt with the below config.

<artifactType hasNamespace="true" iconSet="10" pluralLabel="Tests" shortName="tests"
singularLabel="Test" type="application/vnd.wso2-tests+xml">
                <column name="Name">
                    <data href="@{storagePath}" type="path" value="details_name"/>
            <table name="Details">
                <field required="true" type="text">
                <field required="true" type="text">
                <field required="true" type="text">
                <field required="true" type="text">
2. From the publisher, added a new artifact of type tests (I've added a test artifact by the name Test3)
3. Added the below config to the <G-REG_HOME</repository/conf/governance.xml file;
<tests reverseAssociation ="tests" iconClass="fw-globe">tests</tests>
so that the <Association type="soapservice"> looks like what's given below.

        <Association type="soapservice">
            <security reverseAssociation ="secures" iconClass="fw-security">policy</security>
            <ownedBy reverseAssociation ="owns" iconClass="fw-user">soapservice,restservice,wsdl</ownedBy>
            <usedBy reverseAssociation ="depends" iconClass="fw-globe">soapservice,restservice,wsdl</usedBy>
            <depends reverseAssociation ="usedBy" iconClass="fw-store">soapservice,restservice,wsdl,endpoint</depends>
            <contacts reverseAssociation ="refers" iconClass="fw-globe">contacts</contacts>
            <tests reverseAssociation ="tests" iconClass="fw-globe">tests</tests>

4. From the publisher, try to select the added test type artifact for your SOAP service. I typed in the name Test3 and it would list to be selected and added as an association for the SOAP Service.

Note that as mentioned in our documentation when doing the above, you need to add the values you defined as short name in the RXT file of the artifact, within the <Association type> element, to define the association types enabled for that particular asset type

[1] -

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