Friday, November 25, 2016

Disabling API Console/Swagger tools menu available from store console for anonymous/logged in users

If you need to disable the API Console/Swagger from the Store UI for anonymous users/logged in users, you can try out the below methods.

There is no straightforward configuration readily available with API Manager to do this. However, by doing a minor config change, this is possible. What you actually need to do is change the code of the block.jag which resides under wso2am-1.8.0/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/store/site/blocks/api/api-info folder.

Method 1

Assuming you want the API Console (RESTClient) to be disable for anonymous users only, this can be done by changing/adding the below lines of code to the block.jag.

Step 1
Change the below code of line from

var showConsole=true;

var showConsole=false;

Step 2
Then add the below lines of code right after the line _var showConsole=false;_


Method 2

If you need this feature to be completely invisible for anonymous and logged in users, all you have to do is change the below code.
Change the parameter from

var showConsole=true;

var showConsole=false;

Once the above changes are done, restart the API manager server and you will notice that the RESTClient tool is visible only to logged in users/not visible at all for anyone.

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